Sciatica is experienced by persons suffering from compression and inflammation. Compression of muscles leads to pressing of nerves present underneath leading to acute pain. Sciatica nerve pain is very much similar to the same and occurs due to compression on the left side or the right side or the sciatica nerve itself. The entire back portion, thighs, legs and toes are prone to severe pain. It is very important to understand in detail about the symptoms to sense the presence of the sciatica at an early. As the occurrence varies from person to person, symptoms are taken into account to find the root cause of the pain.
Sciatica nerve is the single largest nerve present in the human system. It starts at the lower end of the spine and passes through hips, thighs and down to the foot. It plays a vital role in sensing and monitoring the motion of muscles present in the leg and foot region. When there is compression of spinal nerve, acute pain is developed in the region of leg which is worse when compared to the pain in the back portion. A person suffering from sciatica nerve pain usually feels numbness, tingling sensation, weakness and nerve pains at different locations of the body.
Symptoms of sciatica
Provided below are typical symptoms that occur due to sciatica nerve pain:
1. Sciatica from L4 nerve root
If the root cause of sciatica is due to this particular nerve root, people will suffer from pain and numbness in lower leg portion and foot. Weakness is generated due to which it becomes difficult to bring the foot in the upward direction.
2. Sciatica from L5 nerve root
Numbness, weakness and pain are observed in the region of ankle and in the extension of big toe. Pain is developed in the region of web of great toe and second toe.
3. Sciatica from S1 nerve root
Sciatica nerve pain originated from this nerve root causes pain or numbness in the outer foot. It becomes difficult for the person to walk on their tip toe or raise their heel of the ground.
It is important to keep complete health track record for a person to sense the changes in the physical from time to time. The history will help a doctor find the root cause for the pain of sciatica. Treatment and exercises are the only way present to subdue the developmental activity of sciatica.