Sciatica is caused due to several symptoms or group of symptoms. All these symptoms compress the sciatica nerve in the human body, the longest nerve in human anatomy. Occurrence of sciatica paralyses regular life and makes it difficult for an individual to lead a normal life. It becomes to sit, stand or walk freely. The pain radiates from the lower back region of the spinal structure and spreads to the feet through buttocks and legs. Acute pain causes numbness and tingling sensation. Lumbar disc herniation, spinal canal stenosis and piriformis syndrome are the other main reasons for occurrence of sciatica.
It is important to understand the trigger points to prevent spread of the pain. Pain caused in the buttocks region occurs due to muscles present within the region that further damage the hamstrings. Craps and tight sensation are the common symptoms under such occurrence. Continue to read ahead as we provide information related to the five important trigger points.
1,2 & 3. Gluteus Medius
Gluteal muscles are situated in the buttocks region. Gluteaus Medius is one among the three muscles. These muscles play a major role in abducting, extending and rotation of hip joint. They also aid in cushioning effect that reduces stress on the spiral structure. The muscle is located below the lilac crest. All the three muscles are important trigger points that cause pain the posterior thigh.
4. Tensor Fascia Latae
This specific muscle is located in the lower region of the hip. The muscle attaches to the outer of the lilac crest and extends downwards towards the outer thigh. There is a possibility to find the trigger point in this region by screening the superior area of the muscle. The pain radiates in a medium channel and transports to the IT band and hamstrings of the legs.
5. Piriformis
This muscle is located at the center of the buttock. Sacrum is the origination for the muscle and reaches to the thighbone by crossing horizontally to Femur head. Piriformis syndrome is strongly associated with sciatica. Compression of muscle leads to this syndrome, which in turn aids in development of sciatica. This specific syndrome affects about 10% of the population.
With good understanding of these important trigger points, there is a possibility for an individual to diagnose presence of sciatica in its early stage. This gives an opportunity to find the best treatment that would eliminate the origination of pain.